Monday, August 19, 2013

Want to get rid of the background of an image? Want a new good-looking background apart from the original one? Or just want mere whitening your aspired image? Clipping path is the smartest tool of this type of image manipulation artwork.Clipping path or Silhouette/silo is the process of cutting out the original background of an image and inserting it infallibly into a new image or background. All the contents inside the path will be present after the clipping path is applied and others outside the path will be absent from the output. Pen tool is the best way to perform photoshop clipping path. It's a manual task and quick and easy way to achieve a good cui out.

In this tutorial I will discuss the simplest but artistic ways to do a clipping path. Come and enjoy it!

Step 1

Open up an image in Photoshop that you want to do clipping path. Take the pen tool from the tool box or simply press ‘p'.

Step 2

With pen tool start drawing the path area on your image you want to apply clipping path.

Step 3

After drawing the path on the border of your image it's time to select to cut it out in anew background. Click the Paths tab on the Layers palette. A grayscale path will pop up name work path. Just click on it with mouse and pressing Ctrl key simultaneously. The image path will be selected.

Step 4

You can clip the image and remove the background in two ways now. Go in the select option at the top middle and then hit inverse. Now delete the background by pressing the ctrl key + select the path layer and press delete.

Or, you can simply copy the selection area of the image and create a new document and then click paste. It will give you a brand new background of your image.

Step 5

Fill the background color or anything you like as your background in the white background.

Yahoo! You finished playing around clipping path.

Learn Where to Apply this Tutorial:
  •     Products and service can be best highlighted and presented through the clipping path where needs correction or altering the color.
  •     The charisma of clipping path is touching  very single visual promotional or communicative media in  magazines, books, catalogs, brochures, calendars, poster product-packages, advertisements,  e-commerce site,  online shops and many other where, not!

Who needs this service?

  •     The clipping path tutorial is not just for entertaining oneself. In the commercial field this process of is of great use.  Those web and prepress graphics company want to ease their workloads and spend their valuable time in other creativity can outsource this.
  •     Online retailers, digital photographers, catalogue agencies, showbiz/fashion houses, advertizing agencies need this astronomically.

Preventative Measures & Tips for Professional Clipping Path Job:

 It is frequently observed in the industry that some hang-over from previous amateur practice hinders professional clipping path jobs. It happens due to the past tendencies that a graphic designer cannot give up even when he/she works in a professional ground. That comes about for propensity rather than intricacy of Photoshop. If you have such problem, you can easily get rid of this by reverse practice with little care, watchfulness. Here I discuss some precautions and tips about hand drawn or manual clipping path with pen tool.

1# Duplicate the image or take it in a new layer before start your clipping job. It will preserve the main or source image intact for any mistake recovery in your clipping task. It will also help you with assistance or reference from the main source. Working on the source image is a very common mistake that graphics designer often does unmindfully. If once any unrecoverable mistake takes place, it will hardly ever let you a way out. Sometimes such little mistake also costs a lot from you.

2#Another problem from scatterbrain, is not to save the finished job properly or in a proper format. If you fail to save the image with selection, your total effort will end in vain. When you will open it again your path will not be shown. Or, if you want to save the image without any background, you must save it as a psd after clipping it. Or else you will lose your work.

3#As clipping path cuts an object from an image by its outline, you have to find out the edge sharply through which you will apply the pen tool. You can make the image sharper to make it more contrastive. It will help you with ease to follow a vivid outline. But be careful. It may distort the image. But for inconvenient or defective images designer has no way but doing this.

4# Ignorance of detail is a very common tendency of graphic designer in manual clipping path jobs. Particularly, when they have to deal with a lot of complicated images they want to overlook small details. Tiredness or idleness whatever the reason, such tendency will not help you in a professional pitch to earn better with a good reputation.

5#A very common problem of work procedure is to handle the anchor point properly. When your pen tool follows a curving line or a twist, you have to leave a number of anchor points in the path. You must neutralize previous curving by a single click right on the last anchor point before starting the next curve drawing. Unless you do this you may find some unnecessary curves disfiguring the path. Thoroughly observe every anchor-point to make a finest output.

6#Zoom in the image to get a convenient look for drawing. Try to keep your path strictly sticking on to the object's edge. Don't go inside or outside of the edge and try to keep a smooth edge as-it-is in the real image. Be careful about the thorny and spiky edge. It will look odd in a bigger view.

For some high-end demonstration, I suggest everybody to view the archive of Watch good work, be good workman. For better learning, go for online article, website & discussion. Being with market-savvy professional and following their suggestion will help you to be a qualified designer. 


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